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- Sint Wind PI
- Error in getting data - status = 64
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Error in getting data - status = 64
- Bendinelli
Autore della discussione
- Offline
- Senior Boarder
Di più
7 Anni 4 Mesi fa #7986
da Bendinelli
Raspberry Pi 2 Modello B
swpi - Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie) #884 4.4.9-v7+
Sint Wind PI 01.27.27
Error in getting data - status = 64 è stato creato da Bendinelli
sporadicamente mi esce fuori l'errore sottoriportato che dura qualche ora e non mi aggiorna i dati meteo:
[07/11/2017-14:55:50] Logging data to Database
[07/11/2017-14:55:50] Dir: W - Spd: 0.0 - Gst: 1.08 - Tout: 11.7 - Tin: 20.1 - Hout: 89.0 - Hin: 65.0 - P: 1008 - Rtot: 272.1 - RDay: 6.6 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: 12.3 - CB: 218 - Trend: -8.48
[07/11/2017-14:56:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-14:57:31] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-14:58:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-14:59:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:00:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:01:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:02:31] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:03:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:03:36] Last main Thread delay ratio: 1.0
[07/11/2017-15:03:46] No digital cameras found
[07/11/2017-15:03:46] Checking internet connection ...
[07/11/2017-15:03:46] Internet ok
[07/11/2017-15:03:46] Rereading config file ..
[07/11/2017-15:03:46] Disk space left = 393 Mb
[07/11/2017-15:03:46] Sleeping 576 seconds
mar 7 nov 2017, 15.03.47, CET
[07/11/2017-15:03:47] System time adjusted from NTP server : pool.ntp.org
[07/11/2017-15:04:31] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:05:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:06:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:07:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:08:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:09:31] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:10:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:11:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:12:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:13:31] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:13:37] Last main Thread delay ratio: 1.0
[07/11/2017-15:13:46] No digital cameras found
[07/11/2017-15:13:46] Checking internet connection ...
[07/11/2017-15:13:46] Internet ok
[07/11/2017-15:13:47] Rereading config file ..
[07/11/2017-15:13:47] Disk space left = 393 Mb
[07/11/2017-15:13:47] Sleeping 576 seconds
mar 7 nov 2017, 15.13.48, CET
[07/11/2017-15:13:48] System time adjusted from NTP server : pool.ntp.org
Qualcuno può darmi un aiuto?
sporadicamente mi esce fuori l'errore sottoriportato che dura qualche ora e non mi aggiorna i dati meteo:
[07/11/2017-14:55:50] Logging data to Database
[07/11/2017-14:55:50] Dir: W - Spd: 0.0 - Gst: 1.08 - Tout: 11.7 - Tin: 20.1 - Hout: 89.0 - Hin: 65.0 - P: 1008 - Rtot: 272.1 - RDay: 6.6 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: 12.3 - CB: 218 - Trend: -8.48
[07/11/2017-14:56:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-14:57:31] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-14:58:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-14:59:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:00:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:01:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:02:31] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:03:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:03:36] Last main Thread delay ratio: 1.0
[07/11/2017-15:03:46] No digital cameras found
[07/11/2017-15:03:46] Checking internet connection ...
[07/11/2017-15:03:46] Internet ok
[07/11/2017-15:03:46] Rereading config file ..
[07/11/2017-15:03:46] Disk space left = 393 Mb
[07/11/2017-15:03:46] Sleeping 576 seconds
mar 7 nov 2017, 15.03.47, CET
[07/11/2017-15:03:47] System time adjusted from NTP server : pool.ntp.org
[07/11/2017-15:04:31] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:05:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:06:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:07:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:08:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:09:31] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:10:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:11:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:12:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:13:31] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[07/11/2017-15:13:37] Last main Thread delay ratio: 1.0
[07/11/2017-15:13:46] No digital cameras found
[07/11/2017-15:13:46] Checking internet connection ...
[07/11/2017-15:13:46] Internet ok
[07/11/2017-15:13:47] Rereading config file ..
[07/11/2017-15:13:47] Disk space left = 393 Mb
[07/11/2017-15:13:47] Sleeping 576 seconds
mar 7 nov 2017, 15.13.48, CET
[07/11/2017-15:13:48] System time adjusted from NTP server : pool.ntp.org
Qualcuno può darmi un aiuto?
Raspberry Pi 2 Modello B
swpi - Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie) #884 4.4.9-v7+
Sint Wind PI 01.27.27
Si prega Accedi a partecipare alla conversazione.
7 Anni 4 Mesi fa #7987
da Pietro
Risposta da Pietro al topic Error in getting data - status = 64
Ciao Claudio,
se la tua raspberry è collegata alla consolle proverei a resettare quest'ultima. Staccca le batterie e riavviala e poi riavvia anche swpi.
se la tua raspberry è collegata alla consolle proverei a resettare quest'ultima. Staccca le batterie e riavviala e poi riavvia anche swpi.
Si prega Accedi a partecipare alla conversazione.
7 Anni 4 Mesi fa #7988
da tony
Risposta da tony al topic Error in getting data - status = 64
Esatto. Il tuo errore è dovuto ad una configurazione sbagliata sulla sincronizzazione dell'ora.
Disabilita l'npt e abilita la sincronizzazione con la pce. Poi togli le batterie della pce e riavvia il tutto.
Disabilita l'npt e abilita la sincronizzazione con la pce. Poi togli le batterie della pce e riavvia il tutto.
Si prega Accedi a partecipare alla conversazione.
- Bendinelli
Autore della discussione
- Offline
- Senior Boarder
Di più
- Messaggi: 63
- Ringraziamenti ricevuti 1
7 Anni 4 Mesi fa #7999
da Bendinelli
Raspberry Pi 2 Modello B
swpi - Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie) #884 4.4.9-v7+
Sint Wind PI 01.27.27
Risposta da Bendinelli al topic Error in getting data - status = 64
Ciao Tony,
ho provato a seguire il tuo consiglio di disabilitare l'ntp e abilitare la sincronizzazione con la PCE ma il con casualità si ripropone l'errore.
Ti alle il log di poco fa in cui ha riproposto l'errore:
[09/11/2017-19:09:43] Starting SINT WIND PI ...
* Sint Wind PI 01.24.95 *
* *
* 2012-2017 by Tonino Tarsi <Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.> *
* *
* System will start in 10 seconds - Press Ctrl-C to cancel *
[09/11/2017-19:09:53] System revision : a01041
[09/11/2017-19:10:05][09/11/2017-19:10:05] Starting sensor reading - Sensor type is : PCE-FWS20
loading plugins
[09/11/2017-19:10:05] Config Server running on port 80
[09/11/2017-19:10:05] Checking internet connection ...
[09/11/2017-19:10:05] Internet ok
[09/11/2017-19:10:05] Checking internet connection ...
[09/11/2017-19:10:05] Internet ok
[09/11/2017-19:10:05] Detected : Dream Link WH1080 Weather Station / USB Missile Launcher
[09/11/2017-19:10:05] Trying to get time from WH1080. Please wait ...
[09/11/2017-19:10:06] Connected with IP :
[09/11/2017-19:10:06] Local IP : Public IP :
[09/11/2017-19:10:07] DNS Exit -: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
4=IP not changed. To save our system resources, please don't post updates unless the IP got changed.
[09/11/2017-19:10:07] Starting General WatchDog
ven 10 nov 2017, 13.58.00, CET
[10/11/2017-13:58:00] System time adjusted from WH1080
[10/11/2017-13:58:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-13:58:45] No digital cameras found
[10/11/2017-13:58:45] Checking internet connection ...
[10/11/2017-13:58:45] Internet ok
[10/11/2017-13:58:45] Logging data to Wunderground ...
[10/11/2017-13:58:46] Log to Wunderground : success
[10/11/2017-13:58:46] Uploading data ...
[10/11/2017-13:58:46] Logging to CWOP server ...
[10/11/2017-13:58:49] Deleted file : /dev/shm/meteo.txt
[10/11/2017-13:58:49] Sending file to server : meteo.txt OK Deleted
[10/11/2017-13:58:49] IW5AKT-5 Ok
[10/11/2017-13:58:49] Logging data to PWS ...
[10/11/2017-13:58:49] Log to PWS : Data Logged and posted in METAR mirror.
[10/11/2017-13:58:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-13:58:50] Dir: SW - Spd: 5.04 - Gst: 6.12 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 20.9 - Hout: 51.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: -272.1 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1282
[10/11/2017-13:58:50] Rereading config file ..
[10/11/2017-13:58:50] Disk space left = 391 Mb
[10/11/2017-13:58:50] Sleeping 581 seconds
[10/11/2017-13:59:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-13:59:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-13:59:50] Dir: SW - Spd: 5.04 - Gst: 6.12 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 51.0 - Hin: 61.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1282
[10/11/2017-14:00:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:00:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:00:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:01:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:01:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:01:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:02:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:02:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:02:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:03:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:03:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:03:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:04:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:04:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:04:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:05:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:05:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:05:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:06:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:06:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:06:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:07:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:07:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:07:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:08:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:08:45] No digital cameras found
[10/11/2017-14:08:45] Checking internet connection ...
[10/11/2017-14:08:45] Internet ok
[10/11/2017-14:08:45] Logging data to Wunderground ...
[10/11/2017-14:08:46] Log to Wunderground : success
[10/11/2017-14:08:46] Uploading data ...
[10/11/2017-14:08:46] Logging to CWOP server ...
[10/11/2017-14:08:49] IW5AKT-5 Ok
[10/11/2017-14:08:49] Logging data to PWS ...
[10/11/2017-14:08:49] Deleted file : /dev/shm/meteo.txt
[10/11/2017-14:08:49] Sending file to server : meteo.txt OK Deleted
[10/11/2017-14:08:50] Log to PWS : Data Logged and posted in METAR mirror.
[10/11/2017-14:08:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:08:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.1 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:08:50] Rereading config file ..
[10/11/2017-14:08:50] Disk space left = 391 Mb
[10/11/2017-14:08:50] Sleeping 581 seconds
[10/11/2017-14:09:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:09:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:09:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.1 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:10:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:10:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:10:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.1 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:11:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[10/11/2017-14:12:22] Last main Thread delay ratio: 0.4
[10/11/2017-14:12:31] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[10/11/2017-14:13:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[10/11/2017-14:14:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[10/11/2017-14:15:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[10/11/2017-14:16:31] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[10/11/2017-14:17:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
Grazie per l'aiuto che puoi darmi.
ho provato a seguire il tuo consiglio di disabilitare l'ntp e abilitare la sincronizzazione con la PCE ma il con casualità si ripropone l'errore.
Ti alle il log di poco fa in cui ha riproposto l'errore:
[09/11/2017-19:09:43] Starting SINT WIND PI ...
* Sint Wind PI 01.24.95 *
* *
* 2012-2017 by Tonino Tarsi <Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.> *
* *
* System will start in 10 seconds - Press Ctrl-C to cancel *
[09/11/2017-19:09:53] System revision : a01041
[09/11/2017-19:10:05][09/11/2017-19:10:05] Starting sensor reading - Sensor type is : PCE-FWS20
loading plugins
[09/11/2017-19:10:05] Config Server running on port 80
[09/11/2017-19:10:05] Checking internet connection ...
[09/11/2017-19:10:05] Internet ok
[09/11/2017-19:10:05] Checking internet connection ...
[09/11/2017-19:10:05] Internet ok
[09/11/2017-19:10:05] Detected : Dream Link WH1080 Weather Station / USB Missile Launcher
[09/11/2017-19:10:05] Trying to get time from WH1080. Please wait ...
[09/11/2017-19:10:06] Connected with IP :
[09/11/2017-19:10:06] Local IP : Public IP :
[09/11/2017-19:10:07] DNS Exit -: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
4=IP not changed. To save our system resources, please don't post updates unless the IP got changed.
[09/11/2017-19:10:07] Starting General WatchDog
ven 10 nov 2017, 13.58.00, CET
[10/11/2017-13:58:00] System time adjusted from WH1080
[10/11/2017-13:58:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-13:58:45] No digital cameras found
[10/11/2017-13:58:45] Checking internet connection ...
[10/11/2017-13:58:45] Internet ok
[10/11/2017-13:58:45] Logging data to Wunderground ...
[10/11/2017-13:58:46] Log to Wunderground : success
[10/11/2017-13:58:46] Uploading data ...
[10/11/2017-13:58:46] Logging to CWOP server ...
[10/11/2017-13:58:49] Deleted file : /dev/shm/meteo.txt
[10/11/2017-13:58:49] Sending file to server : meteo.txt OK Deleted
[10/11/2017-13:58:49] IW5AKT-5 Ok
[10/11/2017-13:58:49] Logging data to PWS ...
[10/11/2017-13:58:49] Log to PWS : Data Logged and posted in METAR mirror.
[10/11/2017-13:58:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-13:58:50] Dir: SW - Spd: 5.04 - Gst: 6.12 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 20.9 - Hout: 51.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: -272.1 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1282
[10/11/2017-13:58:50] Rereading config file ..
[10/11/2017-13:58:50] Disk space left = 391 Mb
[10/11/2017-13:58:50] Sleeping 581 seconds
[10/11/2017-13:59:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-13:59:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-13:59:50] Dir: SW - Spd: 5.04 - Gst: 6.12 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 51.0 - Hin: 61.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1282
[10/11/2017-14:00:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:00:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:00:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:01:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:01:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:01:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:02:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:02:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:02:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:03:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:03:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:03:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:04:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:04:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:04:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:05:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:05:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:05:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:06:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:06:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:06:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:07:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:07:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:07:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.0 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:08:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:08:45] No digital cameras found
[10/11/2017-14:08:45] Checking internet connection ...
[10/11/2017-14:08:45] Internet ok
[10/11/2017-14:08:45] Logging data to Wunderground ...
[10/11/2017-14:08:46] Log to Wunderground : success
[10/11/2017-14:08:46] Uploading data ...
[10/11/2017-14:08:46] Logging to CWOP server ...
[10/11/2017-14:08:49] IW5AKT-5 Ok
[10/11/2017-14:08:49] Logging data to PWS ...
[10/11/2017-14:08:49] Deleted file : /dev/shm/meteo.txt
[10/11/2017-14:08:49] Sending file to server : meteo.txt OK Deleted
[10/11/2017-14:08:50] Log to PWS : Data Logged and posted in METAR mirror.
[10/11/2017-14:08:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:08:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.1 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:08:50] Rereading config file ..
[10/11/2017-14:08:50] Disk space left = 391 Mb
[10/11/2017-14:08:50] Sleeping 581 seconds
[10/11/2017-14:09:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:09:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:09:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.1 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:10:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[10/11/2017-14:10:50] Logging data to Database
[10/11/2017-14:10:50] Dir: SE - Spd: 1.08 - Gst: 2.52 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 21.1 - Hout: 52.0 - Hin: 62.0 - P: 1017 - Rtot: 0.9 - RDay: 0.0 - R1h: 0.0 - R24h: -281.1 - CB: 1247
[10/11/2017-14:11:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[10/11/2017-14:12:22] Last main Thread delay ratio: 0.4
[10/11/2017-14:12:31] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[10/11/2017-14:13:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[10/11/2017-14:14:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[10/11/2017-14:15:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[10/11/2017-14:16:31] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
[10/11/2017-14:17:30] Meteo : Error in getting data - status = 64
Grazie per l'aiuto che puoi darmi.
Raspberry Pi 2 Modello B
swpi - Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie) #884 4.4.9-v7+
Sint Wind PI 01.27.27
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7 Anni 4 Mesi fa #8000
da tony
Risposta da tony al topic Error in getting data - status = 64
In effetti ho sbagliato io anche se la conficurazione ora è migliore di prima e quindi non hai perso tempo 
64 indica la perdita di segnale wireless .. quindi controlla l'installazione e le batterie.

64 indica la perdita di segnale wireless .. quindi controlla l'installazione e le batterie.
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- Bendinelli
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7 Anni 4 Mesi fa #8001
da Bendinelli
Raspberry Pi 2 Modello B
swpi - Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie) #884 4.4.9-v7+
Sint Wind PI 01.27.27
Risposta da Bendinelli al topic Error in getting data - status = 64
Grazie Tony,
verifico l'affidabilità del segnale wireless.
verifico l'affidabilità del segnale wireless.
Raspberry Pi 2 Modello B
swpi - Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie) #884 4.4.9-v7+
Sint Wind PI 01.27.27
Si prega Accedi a partecipare alla conversazione.
- Bendinelli
Autore della discussione
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- Messaggi: 63
- Ringraziamenti ricevuti 1
7 Anni 4 Mesi fa #8002
da Bendinelli
Raspberry Pi 2 Modello B
swpi - Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie) #884 4.4.9-v7+
Sint Wind PI 01.27.27
Risposta da Bendinelli al topic Error in getting data - status = 64
Ciao Tony, avevo il display che rimaneva schermato rispetto al trasmettitore.
Adesso va benissimo.
Adesso va benissimo.
Raspberry Pi 2 Modello B
swpi - Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie) #884 4.4.9-v7+
Sint Wind PI 01.27.27
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