Regulation Monte Cucco
- Dettagli
- Categoria: Comunicazioni
- Pubblicato: Martedì, 23 Maggio 2017 10:39
- Visite: 6409
The town hall of Sigillo authorises and regulates the take-off and landing areas regarding free-flight (from now on abbreviated to VDS) with regards to Hang Gliding, Paragliding and Rigid Wings.
ART. 2
Free flight (Paraglider, Hangglider or Rigid Wing) is regulated by law, with particular reference to Law no. 106 of 03/25/1985, from DPR No. 133 dated 09.07.2010, issued by the Ministerial Decree n. 287 dated 22.11.2010 and the Operative Technical Regulations drawn up by AeCI (Aeronautic Club of Italy) and approved by the Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport Decree prot. M. 247 dated 15.7.2015 together with ENAC specific regulations and requirements issued by ENAC and known as "Air Regulations Rules". This legislation, and any other additions issued by a competent authority, discipline behaviours and equipment for flight, the latter referring to the preparation of equipment (pre-flight) on the ground until landing.
Sigillo town hall has no possibility of monitoring that correct procedures are followed and also has no authority in regulating traffic and the responsible behaviour of pilots in flight, accordingly the following rules refer to the specific procedures with regard to the takeoff and landing phases of flight.
Everybody who participates in free flight in the commune of Sigillo are required to comply with the local regulations and must meet the following requirements:
• In possession of a valid free flight licence
• Have appropriate free flight insurance
• Safe equipment.
• Helmet.
• Emergency parachute
Sigillo town hall reserves the right to prohibit the use of both the takeoff and landing areas to any person who doesn’t fully comply with the law.
ART. 3
The rules written herein apply to the following takeoff and landing areas:
• The southwest facing takeoff area “Pian del Monte” (referred as South Takeoff)
Area defined by the following coordinates:
Punto |
Coordinate WGS84 |
1 |
12°44'44.51"E 43°21'27.44"N |
2 |
12°45'03.69"E 43°21'36.91"N |
3 |
12°45'20.61"E 43°21'20.06"N |
4 |
12°45'01.46"E 43°21'10.27"N |
Area defined by the following coordinates:
Punto |
Coordinate WGS84 |
1 |
12°46'15.20"E 43°21'29.11"N |
2 |
12°46'22.16"E 43°21'29.04"N |
3 |
12°46'21.80"E 43°21'15.18"N |
4 |
12°46'14.81"E 43°21'15.36"N |
• Landing field located at Villa Scirca (referred as South Landing Field)
Area defined by the following coordinates:
Coordinate WGS84 |
1 |
12°43'25.59"E 43°20'40.54"N |
2 |
12°43'32.78"E 43°20'45.58"N |
3 |
12°43'34.72"E 43°20'43.032"N |
4 |
12°43'28.88"E 43°20'38.42"N |
Figura 1 - Aree VDS
ART. 4
All pilots must comply with current regulations and fly in a safe manner especially with regards to the rules of way, both in-flight and on approach to landing.
The use of the flying site is allowed on condition of respecting the environment and people; anyone who carries out activities that may affect flight safety, littering the area or obstructing the flying area or carrying out activities that are not related and consistent with flight activity may find themselves banned from the site.
The town hall of Sigillo reserves the right to ban people from the area, not only for non-compliance of the applicable regulations, but also for unacceptable behavior, disrespect to the general public, for race and/or gender indiscrimination, And in any regards contrary to the spirit of sportsmanship and collaboration for the best use of the areas for all participants in flying activities or those participating in aeromodelling.
In the event of landing on private property, any damages to the same, the pilot must report it to the Municipality of Sigillo and, if required provide his / her data, including insurance, to the land owner.
In the take-off and landing areas, all activities which may interfere with the safety of VDS pilots in flight or taking-off are prohibited. In particular, the following activities are prohibited:
• kite
• landkite
• camping
• model aircraft flying
Sigillo town hall can reserve areas for activities other than VDS and can prohibit the use of those areas to hanggliders and paragliders.
In the absence of VDS activities, model aircraft flying on the North and South take-off are permitted. Model aircraft flying should respect Article 35, Section VII of the "Regulations for" Remote Pilot Aircraft "issued by ENAC, Edition 2, Amendment 3 of 24 March 2017 and subsequent amendments. Moreover a RCT assurancy is required.
ART. 5
Figura 2 Decollo Sud
In the South takeoff area the following areas have been identified• 1- Hangglider rigging and take off area.
• 2 - Takeoff and landing area for paragliders.
• 3 - Hanggliding Top Landing area. This area is also used by walkers on their way to Monte Cucco’s caves. Pedestrians always have precedence over VDS (free flight aircraft), so in the presence of walkers who maybe obstructing the top landing area, pilots must wait for the area to become free of any obstacles. Pedestrians must not remain on the access road and should try to free the area as soon as possible. After landing this area must be vacated asap and it is absolutely forbidden to use this area for the assembly and derigging of equipment. Also, for safety reasons, low-altitude passes in this area by paragliders is prohibited due to the strong venturi which this area can be effected by and also because of possible interference with hanggliding landing procedures.
• 4- No FLY zone. In this area it is NOT allowed to fly ( with any means) so as to allow the safe exit who may have possibly overshot their top landing. “This is a no fly zone and should be used only as a corridor for taking off and for hanggliders who have over shot their top landing..
• 5 - Prohibited area to fly apart from normal landing and takeoff procedures.
ART. 6
Figura 3 Decollo Nord
In the North Takeoff area the following areas have been designated:• Shared takeoff area for hanggliders and paragliders.
• Shared landing area for hanggliders and paragliders.
ART. 7
Figura 4 Atterraggio Sud
In the South Landing Field the following areas have been allocated:• 1 - Parking. Only this area can be used for parking. It is absolutely forbidden to park along the gravel road that leads to the windsock and in the area designated as “landing field”.
• 2 - Landing Field. After landing all pilots must remove themselves and their glider from the active landing field to the area designated for closing said glider. It is ABSOLUTELY forbidden to close gliders in the area designated as the landing field.
• 3 - Derigging Area.
ART. 8
Paramotor flight is permitted for pilots who fully comply with current legislation. The take-off must be from a designated area and precedence must be given to hanggliders / paragliders inthe landing phase. After taking off paramotors must move away from the takeoff / landing areas.
ART. 9
All pilots must always give precedence to tandem flights and / or gliders operated by students especially during the take-off and landing procedure. Foreign schools are required to comply with national laws and local regulations and to coordinate with the local school for the organization of instructional activities.
ART. 10
With prior notice and at the discretion of Sigillo town hall, the area can be used for both recreational and amateur competition, provided that all regulations are adhered to and the rules of the air and all applicable regulations are met and abided by in terms of VDS. The town hall of Sigillo will be entitled to reserve, on certain days or times, the exclusive use of one or more areas, for contests and / or competitions.
ART. 11
A white cross in the landing / takeoff area indicates the immediate closure of the site. Please stay clear of this area. It is absolutely prohibited to takeoff until the cross has been removed. Red smoke indicates the imminent approach of a rescue helicopter: stay a minimum of 1km distance from the red smoke signal. It is prohibited to take off until the helicopter has left the area.
Numeri utili
Centralina meteo al Decollo Sud: +39 366 357 5619
Centralina meteo Decollo Nord/Antenne: +39 334 786 3682
ART. 12
Any infringements of this Regulation, notwithstanding any other penalties that the law may provide, shall be punished under of Law no. 267, article 7-bis dated August 18th, 2000, with a minimum fine of € 25.00 to a maximum of € 500.
Il pilota prima del volo è tenuto alla lettura del presente regolamento. Eventuali avvisi di volo saranno affissi presso le bacheche degli atterraggi ufficiali o sul sito del comune di Sigillo