Postate qui domande o segnalate problemi / bug che riscontrate,
Template Saratoga
- roberto2011
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- Moderatore
oppure connessione server to server senza restrizioni!
Allegato altervista.gif non trovato
dal pannello "Risorse" "Modifica Impostazioni PHP"
2)Assicuratevi che la cartella cache sia in lettura e scrittura
3)Cancellate il file USNO-moondata.txt nella cartella cache!
Sensori Davis +BME280 + Raspberry b+ webCam (Eremo di Serrasanta - Gualdo Tadino - 1.340 m s.l.m.)
Si prega Accedi a partecipare alla conversazione.
Si prega Accedi a partecipare alla conversazione.
Piano piano si stà completando Grazie
Sensori PCE-FWS20, DVB-T 820T2 SDR, BMP085, Raspberry Pi mod. B (Abbiadori Porto Cervo - Arzachena - OT) 108 m s.l.m.)
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Che succede?
Sensori PCE-FWS20, DVB-T 820T2 SDR, BMP085, Raspberry Pi mod. B (Abbiadori Porto Cervo - Arzachena - OT) 108 m s.l.m.)
Si prega Accedi a partecipare alla conversazione.
Chiudo e riapro... tutto sparito, cache vuota
Ma il file della cache USNO-moondata.txt da cosa è aggiornato?? a me si svuota completamente
Sensori PCE-FWS20, DVB-T 820T2 SDR, BMP085, Raspberry Pi mod. B (Abbiadori Porto Cervo - Arzachena - OT) 108 m s.l.m.)
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Si prega Accedi a partecipare alla conversazione.
- roberto2011
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- Moderatore
Tu non sei su altervista vero?
il file USNO-moondata.txt viene generato dalla funzione getUSNOsunmoon nel file getUSNOsunmoon.php
se la tua cache è vuota significa che il tuo hosting web non permette di catturare le pagine tramite php.fetch
dovresti controllare, se hai la possibilità,i paramentri del php.ini.
Sensori Davis +BME280 + Raspberry b+ webCam (Eremo di Serrasanta - Gualdo Tadino - 1.340 m s.l.m.)
Si prega Accedi a partecipare alla conversazione.
Sensori PCE-FWS20, DVB-T 820T2 SDR, BMP085, Raspberry Pi mod. B (Abbiadori Porto Cervo - Arzachena - OT) 108 m s.l.m.)
Si prega Accedi a partecipare alla conversazione.
Sensori PCE-FWS20, DVB-T 820T2 SDR, BMP085, Raspberry Pi mod. B (Abbiadori Porto Cervo - Arzachena - OT) 108 m s.l.m.)
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- roberto2011
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aggiungi questa riga al file .htaccess presente in "home" (se non fosse presente andrà creato)
php_value allow_url_fopen On
Sensori Davis +BME280 + Raspberry b+ webCam (Eremo di Serrasanta - Gualdo Tadino - 1.340 m s.l.m.)
Si prega Accedi a partecipare alla conversazione.
Sensori PCE-FWS20, DVB-T 820T2 SDR, BMP085, Raspberry Pi mod. B (Abbiadori Porto Cervo - Arzachena - OT) 108 m s.l.m.)
Si prega Accedi a partecipare alla conversazione.
Sensori PCE-FWS20, DVB-T 820T2 SDR, BMP085, Raspberry Pi mod. B (Abbiadori Porto Cervo - Arzachena - OT) 108 m s.l.m.)
Si prega Accedi a partecipare alla conversazione.
Sensori PCE-FWS20, DVB-T 820T2 SDR, BMP085, Raspberry Pi mod. B (Abbiadori Porto Cervo - Arzachena - OT) 108 m s.l.m.)
Si prega Accedi a partecipare alla conversazione.
function getUSNOsunmoon() {
Function: get-USNO-sunmoon()
Purpose: fetch and cache the sun/moon data for one day from the US Naval Observatory,
using a POST request to
parse the returned HTML, and return data in the an array.
Calling sequence:
$array = getUSNOsunmoon();
Returned array contents like:
$Data['beginciviltwilight'] => 06:52
$Data['beginciviltwilightdate'] => 01/18/2011
$Data['sunrise'] => 07:20
$Data['sunrisedate'] => 01/18/2011
$Data['suntransit'] => 12:18
$Data['suntransitdate'] => 01/18/2011
$Data['sunset'] => 17:17
$Data['sunsetdate'] => 01/18/2011
$Data['endciviltwilight'] => 17:46
$Data['endciviltwilightdate'] => 01/18/2011
$Data['moonriseprior'] => 15:13
$Data['moonrisepriordate'] => 01/17/2011
$Data['moonset'] => 06:16
$Data['moonsetdate'] => 01/18/2011
$Data['moonrise'] => 16:21
$Data['moonrisedate'] => 01/18/2011
$Data['moontransit'] => 23:45
$Data['moontransitdate'] => 01/18/2011
$Data['moonsetnext'] => 07:02
$Data['moonsetnextdate'] => 01/19/2011
$Data['moonphase'] => Waxing Gibbous
$Data['illumination'] => 98%
$Data['hoursofpossibledaylight'] => 09:57
Author: Ken True -
// Version 1.00 - 18-Jan-2011 - initial release
// Version 1.01 - 23-Mar-2011 - added code for missing moonrise/moonset due to prior/next day times
// Version 1.02 - 03-Dec-2011 - fixed moonset date if for following day
$Version = 'get-USNO-sunmoon.php - Version 1.02 - 03-Dec-2011';
// -----------local settings-------------------
$ourTZ = "America/Los_Angeles"; //NOTE: this *MUST* be set correctly to
// translate UTC times to your LOCAL time for the displays.
// set to station latitude/longitude (decimal degrees)
$myLat = 37.27153397; //North=positive, South=negative decimal degrees
$myLong = -122.02274323; //East=positive, West=negative decimal degrees
// The above settings are for location
$myCity = 'Saratoga'; // my city name
$useMDY = true; // true=use mm/dd/yyyy for dates, false=use dd/mm/yyyy for dates
$cacheFileDir = './'; // default cache file directory
$cacheName = "USNO-moondata.txt"; // used to store the file so we don't have to fetch from USNO website
$refetchSeconds = 3600; // refetch every nnnn seconds 3600=1 hour
// -----------end local settings --------------
// overrides from Settings.php if available
global $SITE;
if (isset($SITE['latitude'])) {$myLat = $SITE['latitude'];}
if (isset($SITE['longitude'])) {$myLong = $SITE['longitude'];}
if (isset($SITE['tz'])) {$ourTZ = $SITE['tz']; }
if (isset($SITE['location'])) {$myCity = $SITE['location'];}
if (isset($SITE['WDdateMDY'])) {$useMDY = $SITE['WDdateMDY'];}
if(isset($SITE['cacheFileDir'])) {$cacheFileDir = $SITE['cacheFileDir']; }
// end of overrides from Settings.php
global $Debug;
$Debug = "<!-- $Version -->\n";
$Data = array();
# Set timezone in PHP5/PHP4 manner
if (!function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
putenv("TZ=" . $ourTZ);
# $Status .= "<!-- using putenv(\"TZ=$ourTZ\") -->\n";
} else {
# $Status .= "<!-- using date_default_timezone_set(\"$ourTZ\") -->\n";
if(isset($_REQUEST['force']) or isset($_REQUEST['cache']) ) {
$refetchSeconds = 1;
$doDebug = false;
if(isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) {$doDebug = true;}
# fixup the POST parameters before the call to the USNO website so it looks like the form is used for the query
list($xx0,$xx1,$xx2) = toDM($myLong,+1,-1); // USNO expects longitude in degrees, minutes
list($yy0,$yy1,$yy2) = toDM($myLat,+1,-1); // USNO expects latitude in degrees, minutes
$myCity = urlencode($myCity); // make the location 'URL safe'
list($xxy,$xxm,$xxd,$tzo) = explode(" ",date("Y n j Z",time())); // USNO has separate fields for time and timezone to use
$zz1 = abs($tzo/3600); // USNO needs timezone offset as positive number
$zz0 = ($tzo>=0)?1:-1; // USNO wants +1 for east of GMT, -1 for west of gmt
$PostParms = "FFX=2&ID=AA&xxy=$xxy&xxm=$xxm&xxd=$xxd&place=$myCity&xx0=$xx0&xx1=$xx1&xx2=$xx2&yy0=$yy0&yy1=$yy1&yy2=$yy2&zz1=$zz1&zz0=$zz0&ZZZ=END";
$USNOUrl = '';
$cacheName = $cacheFileDir.$cacheName;
// either load the cached html page or fetch and cache a new html page
if (file_exists($cacheName) and filemtime($cacheName) + $refetchSeconds > time()) {
$Debug .= "<!-- using Cached version of $cacheName -->\n";
$html = implode('', file($cacheName));
} else {
$Debug .= "<!-- loading $cacheName from $USNOUrl -->\n";
$html = PostURLWithoutHanging($USNOUrl,$PostParms);
$fp = fopen($cacheName, "w");
if ($fp) {
$write = fputs($fp, $html);
} else {
$Debug .= "<!-- unable to write cache file $cacheName -->\n";
$Debug .= "<!-- loading finished. -->\n";
USNO returns info like:
<p>The following information is provided for Saratoga
(longitude W122.0, latitude N37.3): </p>
18 January 2011 Universal Time - 8h
Begin civil twilight 06:52
Sunrise 07:20
Sun transit 12:18
Sunset 17:17
End civil twilight 17:46
Moonrise 15:13 on preceding day
Moonset 06:16
Moonrise 16:21
Moon transit 23:45
Moonset 07:02 on following day
<p>Phase of the Moon on 18 January: waxing gibbous
with 98% of the Moon's visible disk illuminated. </p>
<p>Full Moon on 19 January 2011 at 13:22
(Universal Time - 8h). </p>
// now slice the page for the main times for the sun and moon
preg_match('|(\n\s{8}Begin Civil Twilight.*)</pre>|is',$html,$matches);
if($doDebug) {$Debug .= "<!-- find pre slice\n".print_r($matches,true)." -->\n";}
$slice = $matches[1];
$slice = preg_replace('|\n\s{25}<strong>MOON</strong>\n|i','',$slice);
preg_match_all('|\n\s{8}(.*)\s+(\d\d:\d\d) ([\S\s]{16})|Uis',$slice,$matches);
if($doDebug) {$Debug .= "<!-- find main parts\n".print_r($matches,true)." -->\n";}
$Data = array();
$useDateFormat = $useMDY?"m/d/Y":"d/m/Y";
$dateprior = date($useDateFormat,strtotime("-1 day"));
$datenow = date($useDateFormat);
$datenext = date($useDateFormat,strtotime("+1 day"));
foreach ($matches[1] as $i => $name) {
$event = strtolower(trim($name));
$event = preg_replace('|\s+|is','',$event);
$etime = trim($matches[2][$i]);
$emod = trim($matches[3][$i]);
$usedate = $datenow;
if ($emod <> '') {
if (preg_match('|preceding|is',$emod)) {$emod = 'prior'; $usedate = $dateprior;}
if (preg_match('|following|is',$emod)) {$emod = 'next'; $usedate = $datenext;}
$event .= $emod;
$Data["$event"] = $etime;
$Data["$event".'date'] = $usedate;
// now extract the current phase and illumination %
preg_match('|Phase of the Moon on .*:\s+ \s+(.*)\n\s+with\s+(\d+)% of the Moon|Uis',$html,$matches);
if($doDebug) {$Debug .= "<!-- find Phase/illum.\n".print_r($matches,true)." -->\n";}
if(isset($matches[1])) {
$Data['moonphase'] = ucwords(trim($matches[1]));
if(isset($matches[2])) {
$Data['illumination'] = trim($matches[2]).'%';
if(isset($Data['sunrise']) and isset($Data['sunset'])) {
$diff = strtotime($Data['sunset'])-strtotime($Data['sunrise']);
$diffh = intval($diff/3600); // hours
$diffm = intval(($diff / 60) % 60);
$Data['hoursofpossibledaylight'] = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$diffh,$diffm);
if( !isset($Data['moonrise']) and isset($Data['moonriseprior']) ) {
$Debug .= "<!-- moonrise missing.. using moonriseprior -->\n";
$Data['moonrise'] = $Data['moonriseprior'];
$Data['moonrisedate'] = $Data['moonrisepriordate'];
if( !isset($Data['moonset']) and isset($Data['moonsetnext']) ) {
$Debug .= "<!-- moonset missing.. using moonsetnext -->\n";
$Data['moonset'] = $Data['moonsetnext'];
$Data['moonsetdate'] = $Data['moonsetnextdate'];
$Debug .= "<!-- USNOdata\n".print_r($Data,true) . " -->\n";
print $Debug;
} // end of getUSNOsunmoon function
# --------- end of mainline function --------------
function toDM($val,$dir1,$dir2) { // convert decimal degrees to sign, degrees, minutes
$sign = ($val >=0)?$dir1:$dir2;
$deg = intval($val);
$min = sprintf("%02d",intval(60*abs($val-$deg)));
$deg = abs($deg);
return (array($sign,$deg,$min));
// get contents from one URL and return as string
function PostUrlWithoutHanging($url,$PostParms) {
// thanks to Tom at for this script fragment
global $Debug, $TOTALtime;
$overall_start = time();
// Set maximum number of seconds (can have floating-point) to wait for feed before displaying page without feed
// Suppress error reporting so Web site visitors are unaware if the feed fails
// Extract resource path and domain from URL ready for fsockopen
$FullUrl = $url;
$urlParts = parse_url($url);
$domain = $urlParts['host'];
if(isset($urlParts['port'])) {
$port = $urlParts['port'];
} else {
$port = 80;
$resourcePath = $urlParts['path'];
if(isset($urlParts['query'])) {$resourcePath .= "?" . $urlParts['query']; }
if(isset($urlParts['fragment'])) {$resourcePath .= "#" . $urlParts['fragment']; }
$T_start = my_microtime();
$hostIP = gethostbyname($domain);
$T_dns = my_microtime();
$ms_dns = sprintf("%01.3f",round($T_dns - $T_start,3));
$Debug .= "<!-- POST $resourcePath HTTP/1.1 \n Host: $domain Port: $port IP=$hostIP-->\n";
// print "GET $resourcePath HTTP/1.1 \n Host: $domain Port: $port IP=$hostIP\n";
// Establish a connection
$socketConnection = fsockopen($hostIP, $port, $errno, $errstr, $numberOfSeconds);
$T_connect = my_microtime();
$T_puts = 0;
$T_gets = 0;
$T_close = 0;
if (!$socketConnection)
// You may wish to remove the following debugging line on a live Web site
$Debug .= "<!-- Network error: $errstr ($errno) -->\n";
// print "Network error: $errstr ($errno)\n";
} // end if
else {
$xml = '';
$getString = "POST $resourcePath HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $domain\r\nConnection: Close\r\n";
$getString .= "Accept: text/plain,text/html\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip;q=0,compress;q=0\r\n";
$getString .= "User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13\r\n";
$getString .= "Referer:\r\n";
$getString .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($PostParms)."\r\n";
$getString .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$getString .= "\r\n";
$getString .= "$PostParms\r\n";
$Debug .= "<!-- Sending:\n$getString\n-->\n";
fputs($socketConnection, $getString);
$T_puts = my_microtime();
// Loop until end of file
$TGETstats = array();
$TGETcount = 0;
while (!feof($socketConnection))
$T_getstart = my_microtime();
$xml .= fgets($socketConnection, 16384);
$T_getend = my_microtime();
$TGETstats[$TGETcount] = sprintf("%01.3f",round($T_getend - $T_getstart,3));
} // end while
$T_gets = my_microtime();
fclose ($socketConnection);
$T_close = my_microtime();
} // end else
$ms_connect = sprintf("%01.3f",round($T_connect - $T_dns,3));
if($T_close > 0) {
$ms_puts = sprintf("%01.3f",round($T_puts - $T_connect,3));
$ms_gets = sprintf("%01.3f",round($T_gets - $T_puts,3));
$ms_close = sprintf("%01.3f",round($T_close - $T_gets,3));
$ms_total = sprintf("%01.3f",round($T_close - $T_start,3));
} else {
$ms_puts = 'n/a';
$ms_gets = 'n/a';
$ms_close = 'n/a';
$ms_total = sprintf("%01.3f",round($T_connect - $T_start,3));
$Debug .= "<!-- HTTP stats: dns=$ms_dns conn=$ms_connect put=$ms_puts get($TGETcount blocks)=$ms_gets close=$ms_close total=$ms_total secs -->\n";
// print "HTTP stats: dns=$ms_dns conn=$ms_connect put=$ms_puts get($TGETcount blocks)=$ms_gets close=$ms_close total=$ms_total secs \n";
// foreach ($TGETstats as $block => $mstimes) {
// print "HTTP Block $block took $mstimes\n";
// }
$TOTALtime+= ($T_close - $T_start);
$overall_end = time();
$overall_elapsed = $overall_end - $overall_start;
$Debug .= "<!-- fetch function elapsed= $overall_elapsed secs. -->\n";
// print "fetch function elapsed= $overall_elapsed secs.\n";
} // end PostUrlWithoutHanging
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
function my_microtime()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
Sensori PCE-FWS20, DVB-T 820T2 SDR, BMP085, Raspberry Pi mod. B (Abbiadori Porto Cervo - Arzachena - OT) 108 m s.l.m.)
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il file cui fa riferimento "Totale" è WSN-defs.php?
in caso non è possibile modificare la query (ancora non ho capito quale sia quella cui fa riferimento il totale) in modo che vada a prendere il valore dall'inizio dell'anno in corso?
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$result = mysql_query($sql) ;
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
} else {
$rain1= mysql_result($result, 0, "RAIN");
e poi qui lo richiami nel template
$yearrn =round($rain1);
quindi penso basti indicare l'anno corrente.....(ma come?) procedo per tentativi ed errori...ehheh
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Mi stà balenando l'idea di cambiare il template Saratoga con qualche altro (e mi dispiace).... però cosi purtroppo non è presentabile online
Sensori PCE-FWS20, DVB-T 820T2 SDR, BMP085, Raspberry Pi mod. B (Abbiadori Porto Cervo - Arzachena - OT) 108 m s.l.m.)
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- roberto2011
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Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Sensori Davis +BME280 + Raspberry b+ webCam (Eremo di Serrasanta - Gualdo Tadino - 1.340 m s.l.m.)
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- roberto2011
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- Moderatore
hai un problema sul db
il file meteo.txt è aggiornato al 05/02/2014-20:24:30
Ultimi Dati Database 2014-01-05 19:01:30
per questo i valori max min ect sono a 0 ! e di conseguenza tutti gli altri .....senza dati anche i grafici fanno molta fatica !
Sensori Davis +BME280 + Raspberry b+ webCam (Eremo di Serrasanta - Gualdo Tadino - 1.340 m s.l.m.)
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Sensori PCE-FWS20, DVB-T 820T2 SDR, BMP085, Raspberry Pi mod. B (Abbiadori Porto Cervo - Arzachena - OT) 108 m s.l.m.)
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- roberto2011
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Allegato non trovato
Ciao Ciao
Sensori Davis +BME280 + Raspberry b+ webCam (Eremo di Serrasanta - Gualdo Tadino - 1.340 m s.l.m.)
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Ti ringrazio Roberto per l'aiuto che mi hai dato, e ringrazio tutto il team per avermi dato la possibilità di realizzare quello che da anni mi ero preposto e mai realizzato.
Sensori PCE-FWS20, DVB-T 820T2 SDR, BMP085, Raspberry Pi mod. B (Abbiadori Porto Cervo - Arzachena - OT) 108 m s.l.m.)
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domanda ma per stagionale si intende proprio pioggia di ogni stagione?
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- roberto2011
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Allegato non trovato
se notate delle anomalie segnalate!!
Sensori Davis +BME280 + Raspberry b+ webCam (Eremo di Serrasanta - Gualdo Tadino - 1.340 m s.l.m.)
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- roberto2011
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Sensori Davis +BME280 + Raspberry b+ webCam (Eremo di Serrasanta - Gualdo Tadino - 1.340 m s.l.m.)
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- giri
- Visitatori
P.S. wxquake.php rimane bianco
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- roberto2011
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@giri Tnx, mi sono dimenticato un paio di file nel agg. li allego
Allegato non trovato
Sensori Davis +BME280 + Raspberry b+ webCam (Eremo di Serrasanta - Gualdo Tadino - 1.340 m s.l.m.)
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- roberto2011
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speriamo bene:) sistemo una cosa ne parte un altra
Fatemi sapere se ok! controllate tutto con cura!
Allegato non trovato
ciao a tutti buon fine settimana!
Sensori Davis +BME280 + Raspberry b+ webCam (Eremo di Serrasanta - Gualdo Tadino - 1.340 m s.l.m.)
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non so se dipenda da questo o da qualcosa che ho fatto io.
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