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file Aiuto chiavetta internet gestori ISP secondari

4 years 3 months ago #8610 by alessioduchi
Non riesco a collegarmi ad internet. Mi sembra che la chiavetta venga riconosciuta correttamente ma potrei aver problemi con l'ISP. Sarà perchè sto usando gestori HO-mobile e coop voce? Io seleziono operatore tim e poi modifico tim.conf con l'APN del gestore.
*                      Sint Wind PI 01.25.95                           *
*                                                                      *
*          2012-2018 by Tonino Tarsi  <tony.tarsi@gmail.com>           *
*                                                                      *
*     System will start in 10 seconds - Press Ctrl-C to cancel         *
[15/11/2020-17:07:18] System revision (0010) : Raspberry Model B+ PCB 1.0
[15/11/2020-17:07:21] loading plugins
[15/11/2020-17:07:21] Starting sensor reading - Sensor type is : PCE-SENSOR
[15/11/2020-17:07:21] Initializing SPI un device : /dev/spidev0.0
[15/11/2020-17:07:21] ERROR - Failed to set time system from ntp server
[15/11/2020-17:07:24] sms reset

[15/11/2020-17:07:24] Modem Model : E1692
[15/11/2020-17:07:24] Revision :
[15/11/2020-17:07:24] Modem Serial Number : B14CAB19B2311994
[15/11/2020-17:07:24] Pin Status : READY
[15/11/2020-17:07:24] Device Center : +393770001016 145
[15/11/2020-17:07:24] Signal quality : 8
[15/11/2020-17:07:24] Checking new sms messages...
[15/11/2020-17:07:24] Checking internet connection ...
[15/11/2020-17:07:24] No Internet
[15/11/2020-17:07:24] Trying to connect to internet with 3G dongle ....
[15/11/2020-17:07:27] Waiting for a valid IP ...
[15/11/2020-17:07:27] No IP yet. Retrying ..59
[15/11/2020-17:07:29] Waiting for a valid IP ...
[15/11/2020-17:07:29] No IP yet. Retrying ..58
[15/11/2020-17:07:29] No IP yet. Retrying ..59
[15/11/2020-17:07:30] BME280 - Temperature: 14.8 C Pressure:    972.3 humidity 72
[15/11/2020-17:07:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[15/11/2020-17:07:30] BME280 - Temperature: 14.8 C Pressure:    972.3 humidity 72
[15/11/2020-17:07:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[15/11/2020-17:07:31] No IP yet. Retrying ..57
[15/11/2020-17:07:31] No IP yet. Retrying ..58
[15/11/2020-17:07:32] Logging data to Database
[15/11/2020-17:07:33] Logging data to Database
[15/11/2020-17:07:33] Dir: SE - Spd: 0.0 - Gst: 0.0 - Tout: 14.8 - Hout: 71.6 - P: 972 - CB: 619

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