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11 years 1 month ago #2500 by oss
ciao, continuo a smanettare tentando di riuscir a far andare sta benedetta oregon wmr88 con il mio rasberry.
oggi reinstallando il tutto ho notato che non mi fa visualizzare la pagina dello stato rimandandomi al login del sint wind.
cosa può essere successo?

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11 years 1 month ago #2501 by alegrechi
Lo cosa migliore è guardare il log del swpi, da ssh:

lo trovi in /swpi/log/log[datadioggi].log

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11 years 1 month ago #2503 by oss
System will start in 10 seconds - Press Ctrl-C to cancel *
[21/11/2013-12:42:47] Checking internet connetion ...
[21/11/2013-12:42:47] Starting sensor reading - Sensor type is : WMR100
[21/11/2013-12:42:47] Thread started
[21/11/2013-12:42:47] USB initialization
[21/11/2013-12:42:47] USB WMR100 found
[21/11/2013-12:42:47] USB WMR100 open
[21/11/2013-12:42:47] USB WMR100 initialized
[21/11/2013-12:42:47] Internet ok
[21/11/2013-12:42:47] Checking internet connetion ...
[21/11/2013-12:42:47] Internet ok
[21/11/2013-12:42:53] Connected with IP :
[21/11/2013-12:42:53] Config Server running on port 80
[21/11/2013-12:42:53] Starting General WatchDog
gio 21 nov 2013, 12.43.26, CET
[21/11/2013-12:43:26] System time adjusted from NPT server : europe.pool.ntp.org
[21/11/2013-12:45:27] loading plugins
[21/11/2013-12:45:27] No digital cameras found
[21/11/2013-12:45:27] Checking internet connetion ...
[21/11/2013-12:45:27] Internet ok
[21/11/2013-12:45:27] Rereading config file ..
[21/11/2013-12:45:28] Disk space left = 1001926656
[21/11/2013-12:45:28] Sleeping 599 seconds
gio 21 nov 2013, 12.45.28, CET
[21/11/2013-12:45:28] System time adjusted from NPT server : europe.pool.ntp.org
[21/11/2013-12:55:27] No digital cameras found
[21/11/2013-12:55:27] Checking internet connetion ...
[21/11/2013-12:55:27] Internet ok
[21/11/2013-12:55:27] Rereading config file ..
[21/11/2013-12:55:27] Disk space left = 1001926656
[21/11/2013-12:55:27] Sleeping 599 seconds
gio 21 nov 2013, 12.55.33, CET
[21/11/2013-12:55:33] System time adjusted from NPT server : europe.pool.ntp.org
[21/11/2013-12:58:25] Last main Thread delay ratio: 0.3

esce questo--

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11 years 1 month ago #2572 by iw7eex
Io ho la stessa stazione. Attenzione, se la centralina perde contatto con i sensori sul tetto, non calcola i dati meteo e non li manda.

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